Dawson's Journey & Dawson's Dream Foundation

In June 2012 I was able to spend time with Dawson when he and his Mom came to Utah to visit Family and Friends. I asked his Mom prior to them coming if I could take his photos and she was all for it. I knew from all the updates on Face Book from his Mom that the moment I met Dawson that he would be forever apart of my Life and Heart. I met them at Murray Park to do his Photo Session; by the end of the session this young man had taken my heart and became a part of my Family. I have such a hard time putting into words exactly how AMAZING Dawson is: he has a Heart of Gold, he is so funny and outgoing, he is such a sweet spirit, and his eyes are the windows to his soul. He wants to be a kid, a boy, a teenager and have fun and do what boys do….Get dirty, play with his friends and enjoy life, enjoy being a kid; it’s hard to believe he is only 13 years old. I do not know where he gets his strength from to fight this. 

Dawson, at the age of 12, was diagnosed with Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) Level 4 - the most aggressive type of Brain Cancer. Dawson’s spirit and energy is amazing and you would not think that by talking with him and being around him that this is affecting him in any way. Dawson is a Fighter, so strong and even though the Chemo has drained him of his physical energy and makes him sick at these times he is still fighting and trying to be as strong as possible to make it through this. Dawson’s Mother (Rachael) has let her son be a part of the decisions that are made in regards to his treatment and what he wants to do. She told him that she will support his decision. At this time Dawson told his Mom that is afraid of disappointing people by stopping treatment because he has so many following him, she stated to him that nobody would be disappointed, regardless if he is on treatment or not, if his time here is done, God will take him when HE feels it’s time, and no matter what he has LOTS of people who love him and are proud of him. (Quote from Rachael-Dawson’s Mom)

This is how Rachael and Dawson found out that he has GBM. The following statements are from Rachael's Care Page for Dawson. 

Dawson has had 3 brain surgeries and just found out the 3rd was to remove a tumor. To give a little background, I am going to go back to when this all began.

October 22nd 2011: Dawson had had a headache for 4 days, the intensity would come and go. On the 4th day, Dawson looked very sick. He was a grayish color, was hiding from light, sound, and smells. They were all making him very nauseous. I brought him to Cardinal Glennon where his records were due to the NF1. The doctors in the ER did some blood work, and a CT Scan. The blood work was elevated and the CT Scan showed a mass. At this point they called in the Neurosurgeons. They got a MRI and it showed inflammation around the mass which lead them to believe we were dealing with an abscess. They took Dawson into surgery and found that what looked like several little pockets of puss. They were not able to take it off and left a portion of Dawsons skull off to allow the swelling in the brain to come down without to much pressure. Dawson immediately felt better. He looked healthier and wanted to go home. We remained in the hospital for a little while longer.

October 28th 2011: Today Dawson went back in for surgery to have the skull reattached. He again came through surgery great and was back to his normal self to a point. He also had a pic line put in so that we could administer antibiotics at home. He looked healthy again, he was laughing again and was back to Dawson for the most part.

November 15th 2011: Today we had a follow appointment with the Neurosurgeon. She was worried because he had been having headaches off and on and looked sick again, but not as sick as he had on the 22nd. She requested that I took him back to the ER so we could get another CT Scan immediately. I brought him in and at this point they readmitted him as the scan showed the mass had formed together, now being one mass, and slightly larger. The doctors from the Infectious Disease Team, Heart Disease Team, Neurosurgery Team and the NF team, all got together and decided to change Dawson's antibiotics.

November 21st 2011: Dawson came home from the hospital, and we tried getting a routine going. The new antibiotics were easier to deal with then the first time, and it was allowing Dawson to get more rest.

November 28th, 2011: Dawson has had headaches over the weekend and a low grade fever. Today the Nurse Practitioner returned my call, and told me to try alternating Ibuprofen and Tylenol but if it progressed or he started vomiting or had a fever over 101, then to bring him in immediately. About half an hour later he started vomiting, and passed out. I rushed him to the ER, and called the Nurse Practitioner on my way. She said she would inform the ER we were coming in. When we arrived they were expecting us, already had him a room and a CT Scan ordered along with blood work. This time the CT Scan showed a significant change in the size of the mass. They started prepping him for surgery and wheeled him off to the OR. 6 1/2 hours later, we were met by the Neurosurgeon who informed us that it was in fact not infection all along and was actually a tumor.

November 29th 2011: Today I had to tell my 12 year old baby that it was a tumor and that they sent it to Pathology to know for sure what kind we are dealing with so we know what the best treatment will be. He took it pretty hard as we have had a close family friend pass away from Leukemia a couple years ago.

November 30th, 2011: Today Dawson was hooked up with Make A Wish, Footprints (which is a program like a support group to help him deal with the emotions and feelings he is going to endure, as well as to help him not be so scared and understand the lingo, answer any questions or concerns that he may have, and just be there for him). He was also hooked up with Caps for Kids, and Friends with Cancer. Pray, Pray, Pray!! Dawson is a good kid, he loves video games and has a dream to design them one day. He loves sports but has never been able to participate as he also has kidney reflux.

Near the end of July 2012, they were told that on the last MRI it showed what looked like Tumor Progression so they did a more in depth MRI and CAT Scan, this showed there is Tumor Progression but there is also post radiation changes; if Dawson does continues with treatment he has 3-9 months possibly 12, without he has 3-6 possibly 8. He wants to be a kid again. He says even if this is not tumor progression he still wants to be done because the average for his cancer is 12-14 months and most go in 18-24 months. He is on month 10. The additional possible 14 months is not worth it to him just to be sick and weak all the time. So at this time his Doctors are behind him on his decision 110% and are readily available for anything that may come his way and make him comfortable. Dawson has decided to stop treatment; he wants to be a kid.

On August 13, 2012 Rachael was told "we have done all we can do for your child."  Dawson had stated the day before that he wanted to continue with treatment for a little while longer depending on the side effects.  He has Tumor Progression, it is inoperable and he has done the max allowance of Radiation and he cannot continue with Chemo. Dawson no longer has a choice in what happens to him. 

August 14th, 2012 Ok so for those of you that don't know. Dawson is currently on Hospice for supportive care, then will move to Initial Care when that time comes. The Pediatric Hospice will be able to help make the transitions easier on him and also be able to help with anything he needs and do labs ad fluids when needed. They are working on getting him a hospital bed for home and we already have his wheelchair. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.

As of August 28th, 2012 Dawson spiked a high fever and ended up at the ER and was there until September 7th, 2012 when the doctors felt that he was doing well enough to go home to go on his Cruise on September 8th, 2012. Dawson and his Mom have left for their Cruise and everything was going well and they have even had VIP treatment from staff at the Airport and the Hotel they stayed at. They are on their way to the Ship to begin their cruise, he is so excited to be going finally. I must also state that he was unable to go tot he Toby Keith Concert to meet Toby BUT his Mom Rachael went and met him and Toby took her Dawsons' Journey bracelet off her arm and he wore it the whole concert he was also given a T-Shirt and he called Dawson as well. I must say that Toby Keith and his staff are AMAZING for what they have done for Dawson.

September 25th, 2012 Dawson and Rachael are spending all of there time together. Dawson sleeps a lot and is getting weak, his skin is changing colors. We are sad to say that he is starting to relax and possibly getting ready to move on to his angels in heaven. Dawson I say this to you and I know at this point you won't be ready this but I say with all my heart that you are loved beyond words. The tears that fall from our eyes whether they are happy or heart breaking tears, we love you with every ounce of our being. Several people have posted a photo of Toby Keith's new album cover "Hope on the Rocks"of him wearing your bracelet!!! That is so AMAZING!! The title to the album is perfection as well. Toby has kept his word that he would wear your bracelet and he has. We love you Dawson and we want you to fight but we know you are getting tired and that is okay; we are all here for your Mom and we won't let her fall, your Angels will always be with her. 

September 28th, 2012 Dawson earned his Angel Wings.....He is flying high and being the kid he deserves to be, watching over his Mom and Bob and the rest of his Family and Friends. When I found out my heart sank and hurt, my stomach dropped and I felt ill then I started to cry. I couldn't stop Dawson has brought a whole new meaning of strength into my life and love into my heart and soul. My heart breaks for Rachael and all of Dawson's Angels have let Rachael know that we are her Angels also. She isn't going to go through this alone. The outpouring of love and condolences I have been reading to the Family is AMAZING and seeing the support is literally coming from around the World just puts me in awe. I saw a photo this morning of of the season finale GRAND-AM Road Racing Rolex Series Race and "NF Hero Dawson" is on the side. That is amazing. There was an article posted by Examiner.come about Toby Keith and Dawson as well (http://www.examiner.com/article/what-makes-a-star-a-star-ask-toby-keithy). All these amazing things happening in support of Dawson Cutler the MOST amazing and strong young man you would have ever met. 

Rachael's post on Face Book for Dawson "At 7:37pm Heaven gained the most beautiful, strong, brave, and inspirational angel I know. He was surrounded by his family and in my arms when he took his last breath. Fly high baby boy, fly high. Mommy loves you and always will. You will forever be apart of me. I will see you soon. I bet there is one hell of a celebration going on in heaven right now as you are saying all of his hellos."

There are a ton of Fundraisers going on to help get Dawson and Rachael on the Nickelodeon Cruise in mid September 2012. They have successfully raised enough for them to go and the donations keep coming in. Everyday that I see a new post I see just how AMAZING people are and some have not even met Dawson and are so willing to help. I personally give each and every person a THANK YOU so much for donating and showing the love to them. 

Aug.13th, 2012 taken by Lya
I am unsure of the Photographers name that took this photo but if she lets me know I will give credit to her

 On July 31st, 2012 there was a Geo-Tree of Health planted from the Philippine DeMolays (GPS Coordinates will be available after our scheduled Geo-Tagging on the 4th week of August 2012) in honor of Dawson.
Dawson has a list of things he would like fulfilled in his life at this point and the majority have been fulfilled to this point:
            **Cardinals Tickets --------FULFILLED
                **Blues Tickets we need a Meet and Greet with Oshi and Elliot ------FULFILLED
                **Ride on a Zamboni during a Blues game-----FULFILLED
                **Basketball Hoop that stands alone------FULFILLED
                **Mud Fest with a Truck he can paint with his friends and ride around in --------FULFILLED 
                **New cool Bike to ride-------FULFILLED
 **Ride a Bullet Bike*******THANK YOU ALL OF YOU THAT CAME TO BENEFIT****---- FULFILLED http://fox2now.com/2012/05/07/motorcycle-ride-dawson-jones-cancer/
                **Disney Cruise----- (Nickelodeon Alaska cruise)****WORKING ON THIS ONE NOW
                **Become a Graphic Designer and Design Video Games*****RACHEL IS WORKING ON THIS
 **Skydiving is in a Wind Tunnel, and a Plane Tour, Ride in the Sky, etc will be taken care of by a place in between Joplin and Springfield----this has been covered
**Bon Jovi concert
**See a Steelers Game and attend a Super Bowl

Rachael with Toby Keith
Rachael with Toby Keith

Toby Keith on his new Album cover wearing a Dawsons Journey Bracelet

I can truly say that Dawson is the MOST amazing young man I have ever met and he touched my heart in a way I did not think was possible. I am so honored to have met him and spent the time I did with him.

The love that a Mother has for their child is the most amazing thing. Being around Rachael and Dawson for even 5 minutes you can feel the love pouring from their hearts.  You can see how this has made their bond more unbreakable than before. For Rachael my dear friend, I want to say how AMAZING I think she is and her strength is outstanding. I know this is tearing her apart but she supports her son in what he wants. I want her to know that she is truly an inspiration and extremely strong. She does not like to show what this is doing to her but if you know her or can even imagine what she is dealing with you know a tiny bit. Rachael you are an amazing Mom and Dawson could not ask for a more amazing person to be standing by his side through this. I know the anger, the tears, the heart break are there.

My wish for everyone that reads this is the next time that you think your life is bad or that it cannot get any worse; please remember it can. There are Children like Dawson that are going through this and every other type of Cancer with their head held high and wanting to enjoy life and just be a kid.

Please take time out of your day to visit a Children’s Hospital, to donate to send the Children on their Wish Trips, and just to stop and think and tell them that you love them. Children are AMAZING please fight for them like they are fighting for themselves!!

The Journey has not ended it has just begun!!! FLY HIGH DAWSON FLY HIGH!!! WE LOVE YOU!!

Jan. 26th, 2013 I am so happy to announce that Dawson's Journey has started another Chapter, another Dream....As of today a FaceBook Group has been announced due to Rachael's hard work, amazing self and the amazing people in her life and of course because of Dawson!!!

Rachael's dream of having a Foundation in honor of Dawson has become a reality!!! This is her post from a couple days ago: ""Dawson's Dream Foundation is now legit and registered with the Secretary of State and therefore can now start doing fundraisers and events and start helping the kiddos."

I ask and welcome anyone who believes in this Foundation to come join and show your support towards Dawson's Dream, Rachael's Dream and the dreams of all the kids that this Foundation is going to benefit..I am so very proud to have such amazing friends in my life and that have such an amazing heart.


**Please note that I am received permission from Rachael to include the photos that Heather Smith Photography did not take in this blog post about Dawson to share his Journey with the world. I Thank You to everyone who took the photos and Thank You Rachael for allowing me to share them on my Blog.


  1. Thoughts & Prayers to Dawson and his amazing mother!

    1. Thank you and yes many thoughts and prayers to Rachael and Dawson

  2. Oh, Heather. You've done his story justice with this blog post. It's both beautiful and heart-wrenching. What a brave soul you've had the pleasure of meeting! I applaud him for his courage and love for life, and I am so glad that his wishes have been made reality. My thoughts are with Dawson, Rachael, and all that love them.

  3. This must be the toughest road a person can face in life, both for the Child and the Family, I have only a fraction of an understanding, as a Mother myself, for what Dawson's Mother must be feeling and even that is to much to think on too long. My heart goes out to Dawson and his whole Family, they have an up hill battle and they are fighting with dignity and grace.

  4. Brianna and Connie thank you so much....I really tried to give this the justice and attention it deserved but show how amazing Dawson is and his mom. Also thank you for taking the time to read it I apperciate it so much and Becky as well....

  5. Dawson is such an amazing guy. I love him with all my heart and i miss him a lot too. I just wish he knew how much he means to me and i wish i had always been a better friend to him through this all. He means the world to me and I just was never there for him. I want to see him so badly this summer but I have been so busy and I can't see him. I'm going to stand by him no matter what happens. I love how he is just always sweet and caring. He just means the world to me. I really enjoyed this article on him and it is all so true. Thank you for doing this for him!

  6. Brie- Dawson has became a part of me ever since meeting him and he has made me look at things differently. He is such a sweet spirit and so very amazing......He knows that everyone is standing behind him and we support him and would change it all if we could. I wanted to write this for him and to let everyone know what he is dealing with and to get the word out on what has happened and is happening with him. Thank you so much for reading :)

  7. You have gained a new follower!! I have been following Dawson's story for quite sometime now. He has NF like my son as well. My heart is breaking at the amount of hurt Rachael must be going through. Dawson is absolutely amazing in every way!! I pray that Heavenly Father will comfort all of them in this time of need. Thank you Heather for writing this story.

  8. Kallie: Thank you so much for following me and for following Dawson and Rachael as well. I am so sorry to hear about your son, how is he doing?

  9. Thank you so much for sharing his journey.He is flying high now and his mom is amazingly strong. God Bless this family!!!

  10. Dawson ....You are an Angel..and you will always be My Hero from now..Prayers and Thought for your family.
